Prulink Equity Income Fund Performance

Prulink adapt 2025 fund.
Prulink equity income fund performance. Fund performance view type. Or the economic trends of the markets targeted by the fund are not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the fund. The value of the units in the fund and any income accruing to the. Performance charts for prulink equity fund prleqty including intraday historical and comparison charts technical analysis and trend lines.
Pru link asian multi asset fund sgd aims to maximise long term returns through investing primarily into a portfolio of asian assets including equities equity related securities fixed income securities deposits currencies derivatives or any other financial instruments directly and or indirectly through the use of any funds such as prulink funds collective investment schemes or exchange. Fund name bid price offer price view type currency first effective date. 3 9560 4 1257 02. Or the economic trends of the markets targeted by the fund are not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the fund.
Click here to download the current prulink fund factsheets and fund report disclaimer and intellectual rights. The prulink asian equity fund aims to maximise long term total return by investing in equity related securities of companies. Prulink fund performance. Check out the latest unit price and choose your prudential fund.
01 3 4247 3 9075. We value each prulink fund every business day known as the pricing date to work out the unit price. Search click here to. The value of the units in the fund and any income accruing to the units.